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Barony of Donnershafen presents
Vikings Come Home XXXII
Sept 13-15, 2024

vch logo.png

Lake Louise Christian Camp
11037 Thumb Lake Rd
Boyne Falls, MI 49713

Last edited 09/04/24
Artwork by William Morris

We have a new site with beautiful Northern Michigan scenery!

Pre-register here.

Site Fees:

SCA Members: Adult     $20             Child (6-17)     $5

There will be a $10 surcharge for non-members.

Event site opens to attendees Friday, September 13, 2pm to 8pm and Saturday, September 14, 8am to 1pm. No early arrivals will be permitted on site.

Camping     $20 for the weekend per tent/camper**There are no sites for modern campers at this new site.


Cabins/Bunks     There are some cabins available (12 person bunks) for $400 for the weekend. There will be single bunks available for $35 for the weekend. Contact Wolfrick here if you would like to reserve one. This is first paid/first served. No refunds on cabins after 9/6/24.


Breakfast is provided to Friday night campers on Saturday morning free of charge. Donations are always appreciated.

Lunch Tavern     $5


Feast (limited to 96)    $15

Menus found here.


Merchants:  We have a place for you. Please contact Wolfrick if you wish to vend.


Schedule available here.

Silent Auction - Held by the House of the Red Needle.

A&S Display - Share with everyone your projects completed or not. There will be a populace bean vote.

A&S Classes - Basic Kumihimo presented by Jen Zuiderveen, $2 fee, Rolled Veil Edge presented by Baroness Seonaid inghean Ghrioga, $5 fee, Make and Take Bycocket presented by Duchess AnneMarie Garmeaulx, $15 fee.

Rapier -

Archery - Memorial shoot at 3:45 Saturday.


Thrown Weapons - Friday Night Torchlight Tourney

Heavy Weapons Melee - Our infamous viking raid melee will not disappoint! Fighters get a chance to be the raiders and also be the defenders. Once you go aviking you'll want to go again!

Youth Boffer

Kubb Tournament

We are practicing conservation and respecting the Great Wooly Spammoth's long reproductive cycle to ensure a bountiful future. We will however have a GW Spamette, Spamuel, for the kids. 

Bardic around the Fire

Some things to know...


  • Cellular connectivity is better at this site.

  • Dogs must be on a physical leash at all times.

  • Dogs are not allowed in any buildings including cabins.

  • Pick up after your dogs and children please.

  • Please do not leave food or trash out overnight. There has been rumors that there are country masked bandits about that like to rummage through such things.

  • Please be respectful of the other owners across the lake. Quiet time at the beach will be observed starting at 10 pm.

  • All parties must be out of the campground no later than 12pm Sunday.

  • All activities must be pre-approved by the Event Stewards.

  • Cabins are available but if full, consider reserving a bunk for yourself. If all bunks get reserved, we may be able to obtain an additional cabin. Please contact the  Event Steward to be placed on a waiting list. 

Event Stewards:

         Wolfrick of Donnershafen


All communication to the event stewards needs to be done through their email addresses please.


Event Staff:

Royalty Liaison: Lady Joyce

Merchant Contact: Wolfrick

Heavy Weapons: Sir Hjorlief

Rapier: Arias Sanchez

Archery: GenRose

Thrown Weapons: 

Atlatl:  Lord Ivar of Altenberg

Youth Combat: Wolfrick

Class Coordinator: 

A&S Coordinator: 

Gaming and Kubb Tournament: Lord Giervald


Breakfast Steward: Lady Taliesin Wordweaver

Lunch Steward: Lady Svanhild

Feast Steward: Baroness Meabh

Wish to volunteer? Sign up here.

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